Horrible: Undefeated German Boxer Dies After Collapsing From A Heart Attack During A Fight!
Undefeated German boxer Musa Askan Yamak died after suffering a heart attack, according to a Turkish official. The Turkish-born German boxer, 38, was undefeated with a record of 8-0, including 8 KOs. Yamak was viewed coming out for the third round of the bout, but collapsed on the ground and fell unconscious before he could enter the ring. His opponent Ugandan veteran Hamza Wandera was declared the winner.
German and international media reported how Yamak wanted to continue fighting but was knocked unconscious and couldn’t be revived. The boxer was later pronounced dead in the hospital, with the reported cause of death being a myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack. “We lost our compatriot Musa Askan Yamak, a boxer from Alucra, who won European and Asian championships, at a young age after a heart attack,†Hasan Turan, a member of the National Assembly of Turkey, revealed on Twitter. Yamak’s demise is the second boxing death in 2022 following the death of Armenian-born Russian boxer Arrest Sahakyan in January. He spent ten days in a coma before he was pronounced dead at the young age of 26.
Posted by CZ

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