What Could Go Wrong? Woman Pours Chlorine Powder Into A Coke Bottle, Shakes It, And Then This Happens!

By Ghost
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Flint, MI – A 22-year-old Flint woman was left with permanent facial damage after a dangerous online prank went horribly wrong. Tanesha Wocktaint was filming a “chlorine bottle” experiment for social media when an excessive amount of pool chlorine was added to a Coke bottle, causing an explosive reaction.

According to witnesses, Wocktaint was setting up the video outside her apartment complex when she poured too much chlorine into the bottle, triggering an immediate and violent expl*sion. The force of the blast sent chemical-laced shrapnel flying, striking her directly in the face.

“She screamed and fell back, holding her face,” said a neighbor who saw the incident. “Her eyes were burning, and her skin was already peeling.”

Emergency responders arrived within several hours and transported Wocktaint to a local hospital, where doctors confirmed she suffered extensive chemical burns and permanent damage to her eyes.

Authorities warn that chlorine b*mbs, a reckless homemade explosive trend often showcased on social media, can cause serious injuries and even fatalities.

“This is not a harmless prank,” said Flint Fire Department spokesperson Marcus Ellison. “These reactions are unpredictable and can cause life-altering harm in seconds.”

Wocktaint’s family says she is recovering but faces a long road ahead. In a brief statement, her sister urged others not to attempt similar stunts.

“She didn’t think it would be that serious,” her sister said. “Now, she might never see the same again.”


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